We help you build a stress free and profitable private healthcare practice by showing you exactly how we did it

Our Mission

To stop the struggle of private healthcare practice owners by giving you the proven system to run and grow a stress-free and highly profitable practice.

Because we KNOW that building a stress-free and highly profitable practice can be EASY as long as you COPY someone who has already done it!

Therefore we’re here to support and show you how to build your ideal practice.

Our Expert Team

troy parsons

Most practice owners are underpaid, overworked and unsure exactly what steps to take to build their ideal practice.

And so if your practice still requires your daily input and you are treating more patients than you want, then we’re happy to share our ‘recipe’ with you.

In order to make this happen, The ‘Best Practice’ System outlines the six exact areas we focused on to grow our practice, ‘Optimise Health’ (owned by our founder, Troy Parsons), from a stressful low 6-figure practice into a highly respected and profitable multiple 7-figure practice.

the hive practice uk oh team

Optimise Health is a
world-class private practice

Meet Our Happy Practice Owners

best practice with the hive uk

Where do most practice owners go wrong?

  • They listen to incomplete advice that only affects one part of their practice rather than the whole organism – meaning they don’t see the big picture.
  • Obsess about patient numbers and getting new patients, rather than get more from their existing patients.
  • They are sold a dream of ‘how to run a practice’ by people who have never actually done it.
  • They are in a ‘business model’ that can never take them to where they actually want to go – so their success is limited. 
  • Invest in more kit & courses to add more products.
  • Open in more locations to chase patients. 
  • Work harder and harder, hoping that it will magically work out.
  • Resigned to the tactic of guessing their way to success, as opposed to following a clear plan. 


What should you do instead?

COPY what we do…

  1. Follow a proven system to grow and run your practice. We are here to share that exact process with you so that you don’t have to work it out for yourself!
  2. Go through the process with a professional guide
  3. Join a community of champions who are on the same journey as you so that you can be supported on your journey.
And as a result, that’s WHY The HIVE exists, to show you the exact steps you need to take and support you on your journey.
the hive awards guilford 2019

Find Out If We Can Help You

You can schedule a call with us to see if we can help you.

But before we work with anyone, it’s important to make sure we are the right fit because we have a philosophy at The HIVE that says;

“If we can’t make you money, we don’t deserve yours.”

If you are;

  • A practice owner looking to optimise your practice
  • A sole practitioner ready to transform your job into a business
  • A practice owner wanting to reduce the reliance of the practice on you
  • Committed to running the best practice you possibly can
  • And a practice owner devoted to raising the standard of our industry

Then get in touch with us today to see if we can help you.

If successful, in your strategy call, this is where I will personally help you determine;

  • Where the potential is in your practice RIGHT NOW
  • What opportunities you have ahead of you
  • How to reduce the reliance of the practice on YOU
  • And ultimately whether or not we can work together to tap into your practice potential to make this your best year ever!

So if you are ready to LEVEL UP in your practice, don’t hesitate and apply for your strategy session today.

But don't take our word for it...

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